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The Late Night Writers Club - A Graphic Novel by Annie West

The Late Night Writers Club - A Graphic Novel by Annie West


by Annie West

In rich and abundant illustrations, Annie West tells a rowdy story of artistic struggle, ego and unexpected kindness. You will never look at the Irish Literary Canon in the same way again.

9781848408630 | Hardback | 120 pp. | Publishing: 21st August 2023

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A talented but annoying Debut Author, suffering from writer’s block and mysterious headaches, ghosted by his girlfriend and on his last chance with his bartender job, takes refuge in the National Library of Ireland, hoping for some last-minute inspiration within those hallowed walls.

Tortured by literary inadequacy and disappointed love, can he somehow absorb the famous modesty of Yeats, the wit of Edgeworth, the charm of Binchy, the wisdom of Heaney? But a weird twist of fate or perhaps a guiding hand reveals all is not what it seems in the library after dark, and The Author soon discovers: be careful what you wish for. In rich and abundant illustrations, Annie West tells a rowdy story of artistic struggle, ego and unexpected kindness. You will never look at the Irish Literary Canon in the same way again.

‘I love Annie West’s work; it’s delicious, insightful, humane and, when called for, savagely satirical.’
— Lenny Abrahamson (for Annie West's work)
‘Annie West’s excellent and hilarious work ranks with Steinberg, Wilson and Larson atop the world of the absurd.’
— US Ambassador to Ireland, Tom Foley (for Annie West's work)
‘Annie West is a remarkable and individual artist with a sense of fun who combines skill in draftsmanship and colouring with a sly insight into literature.’
— Senator David Norris (for Annie West's work)

After hours at The National Library of Ireland

The bustling Harry Street, just off Grafton Street

National Literary Treasures taken by surprise


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